Country of registration | Registration date | Registration No | Patent name |
Republic of Korea | 2013. 10. 24 | 2012-0031405 | Headlamp for motorcycle using LED |
2014. 05. 25 | 2012-0080428 | Automotive lamp ultrasonic welding equipment | |
2015. 07. 10 | 2014-0021690 | Automotive LED bulb | |
2017. 11. 30 | Energy-saving automobile LED fog lamp applying aspheric lens molding technology |
Patent Applied Country | Registration date | Registration No | Patent name |
Republic of Korea | 2011. 09. 07 | 20-0455629 | LED LAMP |
2012. 08. 09 | 20-0461949 | Foglamp modules for vehicles | |
2013. 10. 16 | 20-0469595 | Halogen bulb replacement LED bulb for vehicles |
Development contents | Related patents | |
Replacement of light-emitting element (Halogen bulb replacement LED bulb for vehicles) |
Single LED module up/down beam drive system |